Sunday, June 26, 2011

It All Adds Up

The subject of numerology has always fascinated me. Are we affected by the day we were born on? Do our names play a part in shaping our personalities? The answers to these questions are still somewhat of a mystery to me. For now, I am just having fun playing with numerology and testing its theories.

To find out your number you need to add up the month, day, and the year you were born.

For example:
March 16, 1972 is 3 + 1 + 6 + 1 + 9 + 7 + 2 = 29
Then you have to add those digits together 2 + 9 = 11
Then add those two together until you get a single digit 1 + 1 = 2

Try it for yourself and see if the descriptions below match your personality.

Character traits: Exceptionally powerful and dominating personality. Individualistic and intensely original and creative. An inspired and inspiring leader and a pioneer. Efficient and determined and good at initiating new projects.

Character traits: Good at comforting others, inclined to take up fads. Co-operative and good-natured, sympathetic and understanding, helpful, and good at keeping a secret. Gets along well with others but may be shy and timid. Likes detail and settled routine somewhat as long as others are around and may be worried by newness and sudden changes.

Character traits: Enjoys being the center of attention, tends to show off and loves to be admired, but is quite often more sensitive then the exterior suggests. Has a tendency to expend energies wastefully in too many directions. With a love of pleasure also may be wasteful with money.

Character traits: Steady and reliable. Practical, sensible, calm. Good at managing and saving money. Courageous and honest and ethical in all that they do. Responsible, reliable and extremely dependable.

Character traits: Versatile and resourceful, clever and amusing. Good company, good with words, optimistic. Lively, inquiring and outgoing. Someone who makes friends and money easily. Lives for excitement and sensation. Loves adventure and travel, change and anything new. Hates to be tied down, impatient with rules, laws and conventions.

Character traits: Equilibrium with others. Enjoys peace between all people. Values comfort and ease and enjoys beautiful things. A negotiator and peace-maker.

Character traits: The Mystic, philosopher. Introspective, thoughtful, and somewhat aloof. Quiet, intuitive and meditative with a global perspective.

Character traits: Ambitious for power, status, money, and success. May lead to great success or sudden failure. Busy with world affairs. Interested in the materialization of their dreams and desires (into the physical world). This person may lead a life of constant effort trying to achieve their success in all matters and therefore avoid responsibility in their private lives.

Character traits: A true humanitarian, a strong desire to serve your fellow man. A fighter for social causes for the poor and unfortunate. High mental and spiritual achievement capable of inspired action and of inspiring others. Many interest and sympathies. Generous and compassionate and may be imposed on. Passionate and romantic. High minded and idealistic, and able to fall in and out of love with ease and frequency. A lover of beauty in all things. May have a difficult early life, but will succeed through determination and resourcefulness. Impressionable, intuitive and quite independent.

Source unknown. If you are able to identify the source, please let me know and I will credit them.

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